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US-China Film and Television Development Foundation

US China  Film & TV Development Foundation


     Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the political and economic structure of the whole world is undergoing profound changes all the time, and the cultural field is also undergoing rapid changes. A new era of equal cooperation and peaceful competition among countries and regions has arrived.

China and the United States are two remarkable powers in the world today, and both play pivotal roles in many international affairs. With the increasing convenience of information exchange, the mutual cooperation and exchange in the cultural industry has become an indispensable part of the relationship between the two countries, among which the cooperation and exchange of film and television is the most important. The United States has an advanced film and television production model, a mature management system and advanced production technology. China has the world's largest film and television audience, the largest film and television industry market, and a solid capital chain. The film and television cooperation between China and the United States has broad prospects for development and space, and has extensive complementarity.
        The US CHINA Film & TV Development Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation), with its English name "US CHINA Film & TV Development Foundation", is a non-profit foundation officially registered in the United States of America in 2017. The basic purpose of the foundation is to promote bilateral exchanges between China and the United States in the field of film and television; to strengthen project cooperation between the two countries and the cultivation of related talents; On the other hand, it also provides support for enhancing bilateral friendship and developing Sino-US relations through film and television cultural exchanges. The foundation is committed to building a world-class film and television exchange platform, and to promote film and television cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States.

Chapter 1 General Provisions
     Article 1 The name of the foundation is the US-China Film and Television Development Foundation.
     Article 2 The purpose of the foundation: to promote Sino-US exchanges in the field of film and television; to strengthen project cooperation between the two countries and the cultivation of related talents; 1.  On the one hand, it provides opportunities, platforms and financial support for talents of the two countries who are interested in spreading the film and television culture of the two countries. On the other hand, it also provides support for enhancing bilateral friendship and developing Sino-US relations through film and television cultural exchanges.
     Article 3 The main office of the Foundation is Houston, Texas, United States of America: 11110 Bellaire Blvd, 2nd Floor, Houston, TX, 77072
Chapter II Business Scope
     Article 4 The business scope of the Foundation:
          (1) Look for Chinese and American film and television projects, and provide funding or resource assistance for the projects.
          (2) By holding regular publicity activities to publicize the importance of Sino-US film and television cultural exchanges, find individuals or individuals who are interested in entering the fund's resource pool.                  group.
          (3) Cultivate and improve the talent pool of film and television in China and the United States through regular project training.
          (4) In accordance with the purpose of the Association, provide an education and information platform for all the public who seek to understand Sino-US film and television cultural exchanges.
          (5) Enthusiastic support and participation in other Sino-US film and television cultural exchange activities. Maintain close liaison with other similar institutions in China and the United States                  and information exchange.
          (6) Representing Chinese films to participate in major American film exhibitions
          (7) Assisting in the U.S. marketing of Chinese films

Chapter III Organizational Structure
     Article 5 The foundation consists of 5-10 directors to form a council.
The term of office of the directors of the Foundation is 3 years, and the term of office expires, and they can be re-elected.
     Article 6 Qualifications of directors:
          (1) Enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings;
          (2) sponsors and donors;
          (3) Experts, scholars and leaders of important non-profit organizations in the fields of public welfare and charity, film and television culture, etc.;
          (4) People from all walks of life who have made important contributions to the Foundation;
          (5) Social figures with extensive social influence and good public image;
     Article 7 The selection and removal of directors:
          (1) The first board of directors shall be nominated and determined by the main donors and promoters;
          (2) When the board of directors is re-elected, the board of directors and major donors shall jointly nominate candidates and organize a leadership group for the re-election, and organize all candidates to jointly elect a new board of directors;
          (3) The removal and addition of directors shall be approved by the board of directors;
     Article 8 Rights and obligations of directors:
          (1) the right to vote, to be elected and to vote;
          (2) the right to know, the right to advise and the right to supervise;
          (3) Abide by the articles of association of the foundation and implement the resolutions of the council;
          (4) Understand the operation status of the Foundation;
          (5) recommend directors;
          (6) Check the records of the board of directors and the financial and accounting reports of the foundation;
          (7) Participate in council meetings on time and actively participate in other activities of the council;
          (8) Actively make suggestions for the development of the Foundation;
          (9) Introduce resources to the Foundation and recommend volunteers;
          (10) To undertake the work related to the foundation.
     Article 9 The decision-making body of the Foundation is the Council. The Council exercises the following powers:
          (1) to formulate and amend the articles of association;
          (2) Election and dismissal of the chairman and vice-chairmen;
          (3) Decide on plans for major business activities, including plans for fundraising, management and use;
          (4) Examining and approving the annual revenue and expenditure budget and final accounts;
          (5) formulating internal management systems;
          (6) Deciding to establish offices, branches and representative offices;
          (7) Decide on the appointment of the principal persons in charge of each institution, and review the work on a regular basis;
          (8) To decide other major matters.
     Article 10 The Council holds two meetings every year. Council meetings are convened and chaired by the chairman.
1/3 of the directors proposed that a council meeting must be held. If the chairman cannot convene, the proposed director may elect a convener.
     Article 11 The meeting of the board of directors can only be held if more than 2/3 of the directors are present; if a director cannot attend for some reason, he may entrust other directors in writing to attend the board of directors on his behalf, and the power of attorney must specify the scope of authorization. Council resolutions must be passed by more than half of the directors present to be valid.
     Article 12 Minutes of board meetings shall be made. If a resolution is formed, minutes of the meeting shall be prepared, which shall be reviewed and signed by the attending directors. If the resolution of the board of directors violates the provisions of laws, regulations or articles of association and causes the foundation to suffer losses, the directors participating in the resolution shall bear the responsibility. However, the director may be exempted from responsibility if it is proved that he objected at the time of voting and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
     Article 13 Directors who do not hold full-time jobs in the foundation shall not receive remuneration from the foundation.
     Article 14 When the directors of the foundation have personal interests related to the interests of the foundation, they shall not participate in the decision-making of relevant matters.
The sponsors, major donors and managers of the Foundation who have transactions with the Foundation shall not participate in the Foundation's decision-making regarding such transactions, and the relevant transaction information shall be disclosed to the public.
     Article 15 The board of directors has a chairman and vice-chairmen, all of whom are elected from the directors.
     Article 15 The chairman and vice chairman of the foundation must meet the following conditions:
            (1) Having a great influence in the business field of the Foundation;
            (2) The maximum age of the chairman, vice-chairman and secretary general shall not exceed 60 years old;
            (3) Be healthy and able to work normally;
     Article 16 The term of office of the chairman and vice-chairman of the Foundation is 3 years, and the term of office shall not exceed two consecutive terms. If it needs to be re-elected due to special circumstances, it must be approved by special procedures of the Council.
     Article 17 The founder of the foundation is the legal representative of the foundation.
     Article 18 The chairman of the foundation exercises the following powers:
            (1) To convene and preside over council meetings;
            (2) To check the implementation of the resolutions of the board of directors;
            (3) Sign important documents on behalf of the foundation.
Chapter IV Management and Use of Property
     Article 19 The income of the Foundation comes from:
             (1) Income from the organization's public fundraising;
            (2) Voluntary donations by natural persons, legal persons or other organizations;
            (3) Income from cooperation in film and television projects;
            (4) other investment income;
            (5) Other legal income, etc.
     Article 20 The property and other income of the Foundation are protected by law, and no unit or individual may encroach on, privately divide or misappropriate it. All income is used for reasonable expenses related to the organization.
     Article 21 The property of the Foundation is mainly used for:
            (1) Supporting the talent training plan for film and television;
            (2) regular film and television cultural exchange lectures;
            (3) Investment in film and television projects;
            (4) Other public welfare and charitable expenditures in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association;
     Article 22 The use of project funds of the Foundation strictly abides by the provisions of the financial accounting system of China and the United States, and the management and use of property are subject to taxation departments, financial departments, auditing agencies and social​​ public scrutiny.
Chapter V Termination and Residual Property Disposal
     Article 23 After the termination of the Foundation, it shall be reported to the relevant government agency for cancellation of registration after the approval of the Board of Directors.
     Article 24 The foundation shall establish a liquidation organization and complete the liquidation work before the cancellation of registration.
     Article 25 The remaining assets after the liquidation of the foundation, after being reasonably distributed to the directors, will be transferred to the same or similar organizations and announced to the public.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
     Article 26 The Articles of Association were voted and passed by the Council on November 15, 2017, and will take effect immediately.
     Article 27 The right to interpret this constitution belongs to the council.

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